Q: Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences to make their meaning clear:
(i) Wool gathering
Use in sentence: Sarah was gathering wool most of the day, dreaming about that she had a really big house.
(ii) Under the harrow
Use in sentence: Asad has lost his job and is under the harrow nowadays.
(iii) Cold comfort
Use in sentence: She knows there are others worse off than her, but that is cold comfort.
(iv) A gold digger
Use in sentence: I am not saying she is a gold digger, but how come all her friends have been rich?
(v) Walk with God
Use in sentence: The Saints like Data Ali Hajvery walk with God as they whole of their lives, they obeyed His commands.
(vi) On the thin ice
Use in sentence: If you do not want to find yourself on thin ice, you must be sure of your facts.
(vii) A queer fish
Use in sentence: Some of the characters described as “queer fish” in old novels are called “weird” these days.
(viii) Unearthly hour
Use in sentence: We got up at an unearthly hour this morning so we could go camping.