A. I have invited to the party.
B. I was invited to the party.
C. I had been invited to the party.
D. I have been invited to the party.
D. I have been invited to the party.
Here’s how we follow the active to passive voice rule, considering subject, verb, and object:
Active Voice: Subject (Someone) + Verb (has invited) + Object (me)
Passive Voice: Object (me) + Verb (to be + past participle) + By + Agent (Subject)
- Object: “Me” becomes the subject in the passive sentence – “I”
- Verb: “Has invited” becomes the past participle “invited” with the helping verb “been” – “been invited”
- By + Agent: “By someone” clarifies who performed the action (inviting), but it’s often omitted in the passive voice when the agent is unknown or unimportant. Here, we can keep it implicit.
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