Highlighted topics are the most repeated topics. So cover them first.
Power or National Power
Q. No. 2. Examine the concept of National Power and its essential ingredients. (2016)
Q. No. 4. Explain the concept of ‘Comprehensive Security’ differentiating it from the traditional concept of ‘Power’. Is it an appropriate concept for developing and poor countries? (2021)
Q5. Define power, Explain with examples the concept of hard power, soft power, and smart power in international politics. (2022)
Balance of Power
Q. No. 5. The rise of China is being heralded as a return of ‘balance of power’ politics in international relations. As the world moves towards multipolarity, account for the essential features of the international security architecture and its evolving dynamics. (2017)
National Interest
Q. No. 6. What is the role of economy in state behaviour? How does it influence definition of National Interest and how is used as a tool of achieving foreign policy goals? Discuss with examples. (2021)
Foreign Policy
Q. No. 3. Point out the main goals of Foreign Policy of states and determine the factors which influence its making and implementation. (2016)
Q. No. 8. Identify and discuss determinants of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. (2021)
Q2. Foreign policy scholars argued that transnational actors influence the contours of any country’s foreign policy. Discuss keeping in mind the foreign policy of China. (2022)
Q3. It is argued that democratic countries pursue peaceful foreign policies. Support your answer with concrete examples. (2022)
Q4. Explain the objectives and determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy. (2022)
Q. No. 6. What is the role of economy in state behaviour? How does it influence definition of National Interest and how is used as a tool of achieving foreign policy goals? Discuss with examples. (2021)
International System
Q. No. 7. Identify the different types of non-State actors in International Relations and their impact on the International System. (2021)
Non-State Actors
Q. No. 7. Identify the different types of non-State actors in International Relations and their impact on the International System. (2021)
Q. No. 8. The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria. (2017)
Security or International Security or Human Security or National Security
Q. No. 4. What is the significance of Security to states? How far do you agree that international security has given way to global security in face of new challenges of Terrorism and Human Security? (2016)
Q. No. 4. Discuss the concept of Security. in the post-Cold War era. Explain its changing dimensions and define its Strength and weaknesses tor the nation states. (2019)
Q. No. 5. Discuss the concept of “Hybird and Social Media” as a means of modem psychology warfare. Explain its characteristics and suggest measures to promote national security. (2019)
Q. No. 4. Explain the concept of ‘Comprehensive Security’ differentiating it from the traditional concept of ‘Power’. Is it an appropriate concept for developing and poor countries? (2021)
Q7. Discuss in detail how globalization has affected the concept of security. (2022)
Q. No. 4. What are the changing dimensions of security and how they vary from the classical concept of international security? (2018)
The Indian Ocean or Geo-Strategic Importance of Indian Ocean or Indo-Pacific or US-China Tussle
Q8. Discuss in detail the new maritime security challenges for the Indian Ocean region. (2022)
Q. No. 8. Describe the geo-strategic importance of Indian Ocean and highlight its impacts on Pakistan’s Maritime security. (2020)
Q. No. 7. Critically evaluate the strategically competitive dynamics of Pakistan-India relations in the context of Pakistan’s growing ties with China and India’s increased alignment with the United States. (2017)
Q. No. 7. Critically evaluate the US Indo-Pacific policy. Do you believe the current US strategies are aimed at containing growing economic super power China? (2020)
International Law
Q. No. 5. Define International Law and explain its Nature. Is it of significance to the development of laws of war and their application? (2016)
Q. No. 3. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defense in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of US use of force against Iraq. (2018)
Q. No. 3. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defense in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of US use of force against Iraq. (2020)
War, Total War, Hybrid War, Proxy War, and others
Q. No. 5. Define International Law and explain its Nature. Is it of significance to the development of laws of war and their application? (2016)
Q. No. 6. Is war a rational act of state policy? Explain in view of the wars fought in the 20th century. (2016)
Q. No. 5. Discuss the concept of “Hybrid and Social Media” as a means of modem psychology warfare. Explain its characteristics and suggest measures to promote national security. (2019)
United Nations
Q. No. 7. Keeping in view the Charter assess the working of the United Nations in the new millennium. (2016)
Q. No. 8. The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria. (2017)
Middle East
Q. No. 8. The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria? (2017)
Theories or Approaches of IR
Q. No. 8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(a) Feminism (2016)
(b) Neo-liberalism (2016)
(c) Social Constructivism (2016)
Q. No. 2. What are the essential differences between the liberal internationalist and realist theories? In your opinion, why is realism the most dominant theory in the discipline of International Relations? (2017)
Q. No. 3. The positivist and post-positivist debate offers a striking contrast in terms of approach and methodology to the study of International Relations. Describe, compare and critically evaluate the divergence between the two debates. Are there any point of convergence? (2017)
Q. No. 3. Discuss the concept of “Idealism”. Explain its core perceptions and define its agenda of peace for the stability of world. (2019)
Q. No. 2. How the Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches differ over the study of state behavior in contemporary international politics? (2020)
Q. No. 3. What are the points of convergence and divergence in Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches to the study of state behaviour in contemporary international politics? (2018)
Q. No. 3. Comparatively discuss the modernist IR theories (Realism and Liberalism) with postmodernist IR theories (Feminism and Constructivism). (2021)
Globalization or Economic Globalization
Q. No. 6. Define globalisation and its attendant manifestations in global politics. Do you agree with the view that economic globalisation is a form of neo-imperialism which only stands to exploit the Third World states? (2017)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economics Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism or creating Economic Dependency. (2018)
Q. No. 7. Globalisation is a buzz word of present day International Economic and Social Order; do you agree that it is transforming quickly the national cultures and politics? (2018)
Q7. Discuss in detail how globalization has affected the concept of security. (2022)
Dependency or Economic Liberalism or Economic Dependency or International Political Economy
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economics Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism or creating Economic Dependency. (2018)
Q. No. 6. Critically discuss the idea of “Dependence and Interdependence”. Explain its advantages and disadvantages for the poor countries. (2019)
Q. No. 4. What do you understand by International Political Economy? How it promotes economic dependency in the developing states? (2020)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economic Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism. (2020)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economics Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism or creating Economic Dependency. (2018)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economic Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism. (2020)
Q. No. 8. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defence in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of the US use of force against Iraq. (2018)
Q. No. 3. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defense in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of US use of force against Iraq. (2020)
International Relations
Q. No. 2. Describe the evolutionary process through which International Relations acquired the status of an academic discipline. (2018)
Q. No. 2. Define International Relations. Discuss its changing/ evolving scope. (2021)
Strategic culture Culture
Q. No. 5. Define the concept of Strategic Culture and highlight the major determinants of Pakistan’s Strategic Culture. (2018)
Q. No. 5. Define the concept of Strategic Culture and highlight the major determinants of Pakistan’s Strategic Culture. (2020)
Positivist and Post-Positivist
Q. No. 3. The positivist and post-positivist debates offer a striking contrast in terms of approach and methodology to the study of International Relations. Describe, compare and critically evaluate the divergence between the two debates. Are there any points of convergence? (2017)
Neo-Realism and Constructivist
Q. No. 2. How do the Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches differ over the study of state behavior in contemporary international politics? (2020)
Q. No. 3. What are the points of convergence and divergence in Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches to the study of state behaviour in contemporary international politics? (2018)
Q. No. 4. The nation-state system is in flux with an independence referendum in Scotland and another projected for Catalonia in September 2017. Critically evaluate reasons as to why the modern nation-state in Europe faces internal challenges to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. (2017)
Q. No. 2. Discuss the significant features of “Treaty of Westphalia” and the development of the modern nation-state system. (2019)
Q. No. 4. Discuss the concept of Security. in the post-Cold War era. Explain its changing dimensions and define its Strength and weaknesses tor the nation-states. (2019)
Treaty of Westphalia
Q. No. 2. Discuss the significant features of “Treaty of Westphalia” and the development of modern nation state system. (2019)
Q. No. 4. The nation-state system is in a flux with an independence referendum in Scotland and another projected for Catalonia in September 2017. Critically evaluate reasons as to why the modern nation-state in Europe faces internal challenges to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. (2017)
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
Q. No. 7. Discuss the development of “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” (NPT). define its main features and explain its status in present world. (2019)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Q. No. 8. Pakistan is going to International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its bailout package to resolve its financial problems through prudent management. Discuss Pakistan’s external debt problems and domestic liabilities to stabilize country’s economic uncertainty. (2019)
Q6. Evaluate the impact of IMF loans on the economy of Pakistan. (2022)
Q. No. 4. What is the significance of Security to states? How far do you agree that international security has given way to global security in face of new challenges of Terrorism and Human Security? (2016)
Conflict Resolution Methods
Q. No. 5. Identify and analytically explain the various conflict resolution methods. (2021)
Q. No. 2. Examine the concept of National Power and its essential ingredients. (2016)
Q. No. 4. Explain the concept of ‘Comprehensive Security’ differentiating it from the traditional concept of ‘Power’. Is it an appropriate concept for developing and poor countries? (2021)
Q5. Define power, Explain with examples the concept of hard power, soft power, and smart power in international politics. (2022)
Balance of Power
Q. No. 5. The rise of China is being heralded as a return of ‘balance of power’ politics in international relations. As the world moves towards multipolarity, account for the essential features of the international security architecture and its evolving dynamics. (2017)
National Interest
Q. No. 6. What is the role of economy in state behaviour? How does it influence definition of National Interest and how is used as a tool of achieving foreign policy goals? Discuss with examples. (2021)
Foreign Policy
Q. No. 3. Point out the main goals of Foreign Policy of states and determine the factors which influence its making and implementation. (2016)
Q. No. 8. Identify and discuss determinants of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. (2021)
Q2. Foreign policy scholars argued that transnational actors influence the contours of any country’s foreign policy. Discuss keeping in mind the foreign policy of China. (2022)
Q3. It is argued that democratic countries pursue peaceful foreign policies. Support your answer with concrete examples. (2022)
Q4. Explain the objectives and determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy. (2022)
Q. No. 6. What is the role of economy in state behaviour? How does it influence definition of National Interest and how is used as a tool of achieving foreign policy goals? Discuss with examples. (2021)
International System
Q. No. 7. Identify the different types of non-State actors in International Relations and their impact on the International System. (2021)
Non-State Actors
Q. No. 7. Identify the different types of non-State actors in International Relations and their impact on the International System. (2021)
Q. No. 8. The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria. (2017)
Security or International Security or Human Security or National Security
Q. No. 4. What is the significance of Security to states? How far do you agree that international security has given way to global security in face of new challenges of Terrorism and Human Security? (2016)
Q. No. 4. Discuss the concept of Security. in the post-Cold War era. Explain its changing dimensions and define its Strength and weaknesses tor the nation states. (2019)
Q. No. 5. Discuss the concept of “Hybird and Social Media” as a means of modem psychology warfare. Explain its characteristics and suggest measures to promote national security. (2019)
Q. No. 4. Explain the concept of ‘Comprehensive Security’ differentiating it from the traditional concept of ‘Power’. Is it an appropriate concept for developing and poor countries? (2021)
Q7. Discuss in detail how globalization has affected the concept of security. (2022)
Q. No. 4. What are the changing dimensions of security and how they vary from the classical concept of international security? (2018)
The Indian Ocean or Geo-Strategic Importance of Indian Ocean or Indo-Pacific or US-China Tussle
Q8. Discuss in detail the new maritime security challenges for the Indian Ocean region. (2022)
Q. No. 8. Describe the geo-strategic importance of Indian Ocean and highlight its impacts on Pakistan’s Maritime security. (2020)
Q. No. 7. Critically evaluate the strategically competitive dynamics of Pakistan-India relations in the context of Pakistan’s growing ties with China and India’s increased alignment with the United States. (2017)
Q. No. 7. Critically evaluate the US Indo-Pacific policy. Do you believe the current US strategies are aimed at containing growing economic super power China? (2020)
International Law
Q. No. 5. Define International Law and explain its Nature. Is it of significance to the development of laws of war and their application? (2016)
Q. No. 3. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defense in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of US use of force against Iraq. (2018)
Q. No. 3. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defense in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of US use of force against Iraq. (2020)
War, Total War, Hybrid War, Proxy War, and others
Q. No. 5. Define International Law and explain its Nature. Is it of significance to the development of laws of war and their application? (2016)
Q. No. 6. Is war a rational act of state policy? Explain in view of the wars fought in the 20th century. (2016)
Q. No. 5. Discuss the concept of “Hybrid and Social Media” as a means of modem psychology warfare. Explain its characteristics and suggest measures to promote national security. (2019)
United Nations
Q. No. 7. Keeping in view the Charter assess the working of the United Nations in the new millennium. (2016)
Q. No. 8. The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria. (2017)
Middle East
Q. No. 8. The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria? (2017)
Theories or Approaches of IR
Q. No. 8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(a) Feminism (2016)
(b) Neo-liberalism (2016)
(c) Social Constructivism (2016)
Q. No. 2. What are the essential differences between the liberal internationalist and realist theories? In your opinion, why is realism the most dominant theory in the discipline of International Relations? (2017)
Q. No. 3. The positivist and post-positivist debate offers a striking contrast in terms of approach and methodology to the study of International Relations. Describe, compare and critically evaluate the divergence between the two debates. Are there any point of convergence? (2017)
Q. No. 3. Discuss the concept of “Idealism”. Explain its core perceptions and define its agenda of peace for the stability of world. (2019)
Q. No. 2. How the Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches differ over the study of state behavior in contemporary international politics? (2020)
Q. No. 3. What are the points of convergence and divergence in Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches to the study of state behaviour in contemporary international politics? (2018)
Q. No. 3. Comparatively discuss the modernist IR theories (Realism and Liberalism) with postmodernist IR theories (Feminism and Constructivism). (2021)
Globalization or Economic Globalization
Q. No. 6. Define globalisation and its attendant manifestations in global politics. Do you agree with the view that economic globalisation is a form of neo-imperialism which only stands to exploit the Third World states? (2017)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economics Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism or creating Economic Dependency. (2018)
Q. No. 7. Globalisation is a buzz word of present day International Economic and Social Order; do you agree that it is transforming quickly the national cultures and politics? (2018)
Q7. Discuss in detail how globalization has affected the concept of security. (2022)
Dependency or Economic Liberalism or Economic Dependency or International Political Economy
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economics Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism or creating Economic Dependency. (2018)
Q. No. 6. Critically discuss the idea of “Dependence and Interdependence”. Explain its advantages and disadvantages for the poor countries. (2019)
Q. No. 4. What do you understand by International Political Economy? How it promotes economic dependency in the developing states? (2020)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economic Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism. (2020)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economics Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism or creating Economic Dependency. (2018)
Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of Economic Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of Neo-imperialism. (2020)
Q. No. 8. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defence in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of the US use of force against Iraq. (2018)
Q. No. 3. Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defense in the context of International Law and critically evaluate the legitimacy of US use of force against Iraq. (2020)
International Relations
Q. No. 2. Describe the evolutionary process through which International Relations acquired the status of an academic discipline. (2018)
Q. No. 2. Define International Relations. Discuss its changing/ evolving scope. (2021)
Strategic culture Culture
Q. No. 5. Define the concept of Strategic Culture and highlight the major determinants of Pakistan’s Strategic Culture. (2018)
Q. No. 5. Define the concept of Strategic Culture and highlight the major determinants of Pakistan’s Strategic Culture. (2020)
Positivist and Post-Positivist
Q. No. 3. The positivist and post-positivist debates offer a striking contrast in terms of approach and methodology to the study of International Relations. Describe, compare and critically evaluate the divergence between the two debates. Are there any points of convergence? (2017)
Neo-Realism and Constructivist
Q. No. 2. How do the Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches differ over the study of state behavior in contemporary international politics? (2020)
Q. No. 3. What are the points of convergence and divergence in Neo-Realist and Constructivist approaches to the study of state behaviour in contemporary international politics? (2018)
Q. No. 4. The nation-state system is in flux with an independence referendum in Scotland and another projected for Catalonia in September 2017. Critically evaluate reasons as to why the modern nation-state in Europe faces internal challenges to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. (2017)
Q. No. 2. Discuss the significant features of “Treaty of Westphalia” and the development of the modern nation-state system. (2019)
Q. No. 4. Discuss the concept of Security. in the post-Cold War era. Explain its changing dimensions and define its Strength and weaknesses tor the nation-states. (2019)
Treaty of Westphalia
Q. No. 2. Discuss the significant features of “Treaty of Westphalia” and the development of modern nation state system. (2019)
Q. No. 4. The nation-state system is in a flux with an independence referendum in Scotland and another projected for Catalonia in September 2017. Critically evaluate reasons as to why the modern nation-state in Europe faces internal challenges to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. (2017)
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
Q. No. 7. Discuss the development of “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” (NPT). define its main features and explain its status in present world. (2019)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Q. No. 8. Pakistan is going to International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its bailout package to resolve its financial problems through prudent management. Discuss Pakistan’s external debt problems and domestic liabilities to stabilize country’s economic uncertainty. (2019)
Q6. Evaluate the impact of IMF loans on the economy of Pakistan. (2022)
Q. No. 4. What is the significance of Security to states? How far do you agree that international security has given way to global security in face of new challenges of Terrorism and Human Security? (2016)
Conflict Resolution Methods
Q. No. 5. Identify and analytically explain the various conflict resolution methods. (2021)
International Relations – I 2016-2022 analysis (Download PDF)
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