There are approximately 10,000 distinct religions worldwide, according to African Studies Association. About 84% of the world’s population is affiliated with Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, yet all of them are the advocate one slogan: love, peace, and tranquility. But the recent phenomenon of fundamentalism, extremism, and terrorism have changed the peaceful image of religion into an unpredictable threat to human survival, and worship places that used to spread light are experiencing the unending darkness of fear and terror. But why are corridors of worship littered with darkness? what are the factors responsible for the presence of darkness in the corridors of worship places? what is the importance of religion in human life? and how can the darkness of hatred be curtailed by the light of love? This essay will dwell upon these questions in detail. The special position of religion bestowed a much more exalted and revered status upon worship places than that enjoyed by any other institution associated with human affairs. However, it is also an irrefutable reality that worship places, in addition to playing a positive role in the promotion of spirituality in human life, gave birth to many such monstrous evils that have endangered even the very existence of humans on the Earth. Terrorism, extremism, conservatism, prejudice, illiteracy, and ignorance coupled with gender discrimination are some of the many issues that have their roots beneath the dark corridors of worship places including the difference between religious and contemporary education, illiteracy, and ignorance of the masses and the role of foreign hands. To light the corridors of worship with love, peace, and affection from the darkness of fundamentalism, extremism, and terrorism, there is a need to blend religious education with contemporary education, the effective role of media, and the eradication of illiteracy and backwardness.
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