Political Science – II Repeated Questions from 2016-2022

Highlighted topics are the most repeated topics. So cover them first.


Political System of USA
Q. No. 3. The Senate of the USA is the most powerful Upper House in the world. Can you justify this statement? Explain your answer with reference to the Upper Houses of India and Pakistan. (2016)
Q. No. 3. Compare and Contest the powers of the Indian President with the American president. (2018)
Q. No. 2. How the system of Checks and Balances works in the US political system? Explain with examples. (2019)
Q3. How does the system of Checks and Balances work in the US political system? (2021)

Political System of the UK
Q. No. 2. Discuss the salient features of the judicial system in France. How does it differ from that of Britain and Pakistan? (2016)
Q. No. 2. To what extent is it true that the President of the United States is more powerful than the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK)? Justify your answer with comparative analysis. (2017)

Local Government System
Q. No. 3. Under the Unitary State System, how local government system work in the UK? (2020)
Q2. Under the Unitary State System, how does the local government system work in the UK? (2021)

Political System of France
Q. No. 2. Discuss the salient features of the judicial system in France. How does it differ from that of Britain and Pakistan? (2016)
Q. No. 2. Write the Composition, Powers, and Position of the French National Assembly. (2018)
Q. No. 3. How the party system in France is different from that in Germany? Discuss in detail. (2019)

Political System of India
Q. No. 3. The Senate of the USA is the most powerful Upper House in the world. Can you justify this statement? Explain your answer with reference to the Upper Houses of India and Pakistan. (2016)
Q. No. 3. Compare and Contest the powers of the Indian President with the American president. (2018)

Political System of Pakistan
Q. No. 2. Discuss the salient features of the judicial system in France. How does it differ from that of Britain and Pakistan? (2016)
Q. No. 3. The Senate of the USA is the most powerful Upper House in the world. Can you justify this statement? Explain your answer with reference to the Upper Houses of India and Pakistan. (2016)

Political System of Germany
Q. No. 3. How the party system in France is different from that in Germany? Discuss in detail. (2019)

Regional Political-Economic Global Integration
Q. No. 3. Discuss the basic norms of regional politico-economic integration and the organizational structure of the European Union. (2017)
Q2. Define democratic peace. Highlight its basic norms and discuss how it played a vital role in the political-economic integration of the European Union (EU). (2022)
Q3. The Russian-Ukraine war has threatened regional political-economic global integration. What policy options are available for IMF and WTO to address the new regional and global challenges in the current scenario? (2022)

Globalization and Regionalization
Q. No. 2. Discuss the way in which globalization could promote regionalization as an adaptation. (2020)



Turkish Model of Democracy
Q. No. 4. Discuss the features of the Turkish model of democracy keeping the distinguished position of the armed forces in Turkish politics. (2016)
Q. No. 4. Critically analyze the role of the military in Turkish politics. (2019)
Q. No. 5. Critically evaluate the role of the Military in Turkish Politics. (2020)
Q8. Discuss the features of the Turkish model of democracy keeping the distinguished position of the armed forces in Turkish politics. (2021)

Regional and Global Organizations
Q. No. 8. Write detailed notes on the following: (10 each)
(a) European Union(2016)
(b) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (2016)
Q. No. 8. Write a comprehensive note on the following: (10 each)
(b) ECO (2018)

Constitution of Pakistan
Q. No. 7. What are the political and administrative implications of the Eighteenth Amendment to the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan? (2016)
Q. No. 6. Discuss the Major issues during the constitutional-making process in Pakistan in 1956, 1962, and 1973. (2017)
Q. No. 5. Logically prove that the 18th amendment of the 1973 Constitution is considered to be the new social contract for provincial autonomy among the Pakistani political parties. (2018)
Q. No. 6. What factors contributed to the delay of the constitution-making process in the early years of Pakistan? Discuss in detail. (2019)
Q. No. 7. Make a comparative analysis of the Constitution of 1956 and the amended Constitution of Pakistan 1973. (2020)
Q5. Discuss the major issues of the constitutional-making process in Pakistan in 1956, 1962, and 1973. (2021)
Q8. Discuss the history of constitutional development in Pakistan since 1947. How the Amendment is taken as a revolutionary step toward provincial autonomy in Pakistan? (2022)

Foreign Policy of Pakistan or Foreign Policy-Making Process in Pakistan
Q. No. 8. Write comprehensive notes on the following: (10 each)
(a). Foreign policy-making process in Pakistan. (2017)
Q. No. 8. Write down the major determinants of the foreign policy of Pakistan. (2019)
Q7. Write down the major determinants of the foreign policy of Pakistan. (2021)
Q4. What are the main determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy? How current National Capacity has become a major challenge before an independent foreign policy of Pakistan. (2022)

Political System of China
Q. No. 4. “A strong political system needs a very strong political economy.” Prove this statement by making a comparative and analytical answer with reference to China and Malaysia. (2017)
Q7. What are the main characteristics of the Chinese political system? How it differs from the communist political system of the USSR. (2022)
Q. No. 6. Discuss the powers and functions of China’s National People’s Congress. (2020)
Q4. “A strong political system needs a very strong political economy”. Prove this statement by making a comparative and analytical answer with reference to China. (2021)

Political System of Russia
Q7. What are the main characteristics of the Chinese political system? How it differs from the communist political system of the USSR. (2022)

Political System of Malaysia
Q. No. 4. “A strong political system needs a very strong political economy.” Prove this statement by making a comparative and analytical answer with reference to China and Malaysia. (2017)

National Integration
Q. No. 7. What are the major obstacles to the process of national integration in contemporary Pakistan? Suggest remedies for the success of the process. (2019)
Q6. What are the major obstacles to the process of national integration in contemporary Pakistan? Suggest remedies for the success of the process. (2021)

Idea of Pakistan
Q. No. 5. Explain the rise of Muslim nationalism in South Asia. What were its implications for the nationalist politics of the Indian National Congress? (2016)
Q. No. 5. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah were the genuine leaders who led the Muslim Nation towards success through their socio-political visions in South Asia. Discuss the community services rendered for the Muslims of the subcontinent. (2017)
Q. No. 5. Iqbal is credited with creating the idea of Pakistan. Give your arguments. (2019)
Q. No. 4. Do you agree that Pakistan was achieved by “Jinnah” through the “constitutional democratic process for the sake of constitutional democracy”? (2018)

Post World War-II
Q. No. 4. Critically evaluate the role of Post-World War II International Financial Regimes in the economic development of less developed countries. (2020)
Q. No. 8. In the Post World War-II period, what were the important patterns of the Balance of Power? (2020)
Q. No. 4. Do you agree that Pakistan was achieved by “Jinnah” through the “constitutional democratic process for the sake of constitutional democracy”? (2018)
Q6. After World War II, the nuclear race started in the world. How Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) played a vital role toward non-proliferation and what more efforts are required to make South Asia a nuclear-free zone. (2022)

Q. No. 6. What are the issues and problems of the federation in Pakistan? Discuss with reference to the US federation. (2016)
Q. No. 7. How far do you agree that the Political Parties and Interest Groups have established and demolished the political system of Pakistan? Critically analyze. (2017)
Q. No. 8. Write comprehensive notes on the following: (10 each)
(b). Global Civil Society (2017)
Q. No. 6. To what extent global economic institutions are indispensable pieces of global governance? (2018)
Q. No. 7. Examine the importance of national interest for “peace and security” with special reference to the geostrategic position for economic opportunities of Pakistan in the 21st century. (2018)
Q. No. 8. Write a comprehensive note on the following: (10 each)
(a) Guardian Council of Iran. (2018)
Q5. In what circumstances might a democratic country turn to military dictatorship or totalitarian rule? Narrate it with a case study. (2022)

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