Public Administration Repeated Questions from 2016-2022

Highlighted topics are the Most Repeated Public Administration topics. So cover them first.

General Definitions or Differences or Basic Concepts
Q. No. 8. Write a comprehensive note on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(a) Scientific Management (2018)
Q. No. 2. Define Public Administration. Discuss the relationship between Politics and Public Administration. (2019)
Q. No. 5. Differentiate between Development administration and Administrative development. Critically analyze the role of bureaucracy in Development administration in developing countries including Pakistan. (2019)
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(a) Types of Decentralization (2019)
(c) Administrative buffering (2019)
Q. No. 8. Write comprehensive notes on the following:- (10 each)
(a) Public Business Re-Engineering (2020)

Q. No. 5. Harnessing intrinsic motivation within the public servants is prelude to better public service delivery and effective curb on corruption. Discuss the statement in the light of public service motivation paradigm and its requisite ingredients enunciated by James L. Perry. (2017)
Q. No. 6. Corruption is an evil which has played havoc in the socio economic development of societies. Also sources of corruptions are similar in all public administrative settings. Having this in mind what are various types, causes and how to control corruption in public sectors organizations. (2018)
Q. No. 7. Examine how corruption in public services undermines democracy. Discuss its possible redressal mechanism. (2021)

Q NO 8: Write a substantive note on any TWO of the following a) Incremental budgeting (2016)
b) Planning programming budgeting system (2016)
c) Dissensus budgeting (2016)
Q. No. 8. Write substantive notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each) (a) Zero-based budgeting (2017)
Q. No. 7. Discuss in detail the budgeting process of Pakistan. Do you satisfied with the process? Discuss with practical examples. (2019)
Q. No. 5. The idea of performance-budget lies beneath the word ‘results’. In the light of the statement, examine the elements of performance-based budgeting with reference to Pakistan. (2021)
Q. No. 4. “On what basis shall we allocate resources to program A instead of program B.” is the perennial statement in public sector budgeting. Identify and discuss at least five attempts, found in the budgeting literature. used to answer V.O. Key’s famous budgeting question. Which type of budgeting system is most appropriate for public administration? Why do you feel this way? (2022)
Q. No. 7. Governmental budgets remain an area of general concern as well as controversy. Considerable attention is given to taxation and other sources of governmental revenues. Discuss the federal budget process in Pakistan paying special attention to its ability to find governmental activity and help to regulate the economy’s business cycle. (2022)
Q NO 5: Governmental budgets remain an area of general concern as well as controversy. Considerable attention is given to taxation and other sources of governmental revenues. Discuss the federal budget process in Pakistan paying special attention to its ability to find governmental activity and help regulate the economy`s business cycle. (2016)

Q. No. 3. Privatisation as a global phenomenon has major implications for Bureaucratic role and scope, especially in state-dominated political system. Discuss, the statement with for or against arguments. (2017)

Separation of Powers or Constitution
Q. No. 2. Appropriate separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judicial branches ensure effective check and balance and hence accountable public administration. Discuss, the statement in the light of historic Watergate Scandal, which forced Nixon to resign as head of public bureaucracy. (2017)
Q NO 3: It is easier to make a constitution than to run it. Discuss in the light of Politics Administration dichotomy. (2016)

Major forms of administrative decentralization
Q. No. 7. There are three major forms of administrative decentralization; deconcentration, delegation and devolution each with different set of characteristics. Argue which one is the most suitable form within Pakistan’s socio-political context. (2017)

Governance or Good Governance or Challenges
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(b) Role of Civil Society in good governance (2019)
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:- (10 each)
(b) Difference between good governance and e-governance (2022)
Q. No. 8. Write comprehensive notes on the following:- (10 each) (b) Governance Challenges in Pakistan (2020)

Q. No. 8. Write a comprehensive note on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(c) Theory X and Y of Motivation (2018)
Q. No. 3. Is Public interest only a simple summation of private interest? Argue in the light of the theory of John Rawls. (2019)
Q. No. 4. Explain the similarities and differences between Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational theory and House’s Path-Goal theory. Which one do you think is appropriate for the contemporary situation of Pakistan and why? (2019)

Public and Private Interest or Government Interest
Q. No. 3. Is Public interest only a simple summation of private interest? Argue in the light of the theory of John Rawls. (2019)
Q. No. 7. Discuss why it may be in the best interest of both the public and government for administrators to have public administration background rather than having degree in the area of economics, political science or business studies? (2018)

Approaches to Public Administration
Q. No. 2. Traditional managerial approach to public administration stresses the need for rationality in decision making. List and discuss the necessary steps to be taken to develop a rational comprehensive model in decision making. Also give a specific, comprehensive and logical critique of the same model. (2018)
Q. No. 3. Trace how the strategic management process has evolved. Also discuss the opportunities and constraints on collaborative approaches to an effective strategy development and its implementation. (2020)
Q. No. 8. Write a comprehensive note on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(b) Human Relation Approach (2018)
Q. No. 2. Define Normative and Empirical approaches of Public Administration and their implications for Pakistan’s administrative system. (2021)

Civil Service
Q. No. 3. Discuss the need for Civil Service neutrality in development administration. Suggest measures for achieving and stretching its practical application in Pakistan. (2021)
Q NO 2: The government is seized with the objective of implementing civil service reform in order to create a structure that is more efficient and responsive. Suggest how the government should balance its strategy between the effort to improve the personnel as well as the organization and methods of its government offices. (2016)

Q. No. 2. Traditional managerial approach to public administration stresses the need for rationality in decision-making. List and discuss the necessary steps to be taken to develop a rational comprehensive model in decision making. Also give a specific, comprehensive and logical critique of the same model. (2018)
Q. No. 2. Compare and Contrast the Bureaucratic Model with New Public Management (NPM). Do you think NPM is relevant to developing countries like Pakistan? Support your argument with key indicators. (2020)
Q. No. 5. Describe the four basic stages in the rational model of decision making and problem solving. When do bounded rationality, satisficing and heuristics enter your own decision making for better? For worse? (2020)
Q. No. 6. Critically Analyze NRB-5Ds Model developed in 2001 in context with; Devolution of Political Process, Distribution of Resources to Districts, Diffusion of Power Authority Nexus, Deconcentrating of Management Functions and Decentralization of Administrative authority. (2020)
Q. No. 4. Discuss in detail the Prismatic-Sala model enunciated by Fred Riggs in order to evaluate the under-developing society and its implications for public administration. (2017)
Q. No. 2. Traditional managerial approach to public administration stresses the need for rationality in decision making. List and discuss the necessary steps to be taken to develop a rational comprehensive model in decision making. Also give a specific, comprehensive and logical critique of the same model. (2018)
Q. No. 3. Discuss the similarities and differences between the Weberian bureaucratic model, scientific management, and the “principles” approach to studying public organizations. Describe the basis of each theory and its impact on the development of public administration. Also, explain why critics contend these theories are not in tune with the “practice” of Pakistan’s public administration. (2022)

Bureaucratic Model
Q. No. 3. Discuss the similarities and differences between the Weberian bureaucratic model, scientific management, and the “principles” approach to studying public organizations. Describe the basis of each theory and its impact on the development of public administration. Also, explain why critics contend these theories are not in tune with the “practice” of Pakistan’s public administration. (2022)
Q. No. 2. Compare and Contrast the Bureaucratic Model with New Public Management (NPM). Do you think NPM is relevant to developing countries like Pakistan? Support your argument with key indicators. (2020)

Bureaucracy and Democracy
Q. No. 7. “Bureaucracy and Democracy are antithetical. Bureaucracy is hierarchical, elitist, specialized, and informed while democracy is communal, pluralist, generalized, and illinformed”. Discuss this statement keeping in view the quantum of expectations in Pakistan and the reality of the civic culture. (2020)
Q. No. 2. Bureaucracy and Democracy are antithetical. Bureaucracy is hierarchical, elitist, specializing and infonned while democracy is communal, pluralist, generalizing and ill informed. Keeping in mind the quantum of expectations in Pakistan and the reality of the civic culture discuss the above statement. (2022)
Q. No. 5. Differentiate between Development administration and Administrative development. Critically analyze the role of bureaucracy in Development administration in developing countries including Pakistan. (2019)

Rationality in decision making
Q. No. 2. Traditional managerial approach to public administration stresses the need for rationality in decision making. List and discuss the necessary steps to be taken to develop a rational comprehensive model in decision making. Also give a specific, comprehensive and logical critique of the same model. (2018)
Q. No. 5. Describe the four basic stages in the rational model of decision making and problem solving. When do bounded rationality, satisficing and heuristics enter your own decision making for better? For worse? (2020)

Judicial or Supreme Court
Q. No. 8. Write substantive notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(b) Judicial Activism (2017)
Q NO 6: The supreme court in Pakistan asserts the right of Judicial Review. Explain how in the development of administrative law the right of judicial review was first enforced by the US Supreme court in 1803 in the case of Marbury V Madison. (2016)

Q NO 7: Public Administration in Pakistan has penetrated the economy and society to such an extent that it brings into question how well public policies work and how they can be implemented better. In your answer focus on the following two major ways of judging policy implementations. (2016)
a) Policy analysis the extent to which a policy achieves its objectives.
b) Policy evaluation- whether implementation maximizes appropriate values
Q. No. 7. Governmental budgets remain an area of general concern as well as controversy. Considerable attention is given to taxation and other sources of governmental revenues. Discuss the federal budget process in Pakistan paying special attention to its ability to find governmental activity and help to regulate the economy’s business cycle. (2022)
Q NO 5: Governmental budgets remain an area of general concern as well as controversy. Considerable attention is given to taxation and other sources of governmental revenues. Discuss the federal budget process in Pakistan paying special attention to its ability to find governmental activity and help regulate the economy`s business cycle. (2016)
Q. No. 5. Describe in detail the four classical types of potential market failure and provide examples of each type. What is the relevance of the concept of market failure to government intervention in the economy? Explain. (2022)

Potential Market Failures
Q. No. 5. Describe in detail the four classical types of potential market failure and provide examples of each type. What is the relevance of the concept of market failure to government intervention in the economy? Explain. (2022)

Public Policy or Issues
Q NO 7: Public Administration in Pakistan has penetrated the economy and society to such an extent that it brings into question how well public policies work and how they can be implemented better. In your answer focus on the following two major ways of judging policy implementations. (2016)
a) Policy analysis the extent to which a policy achieves its objectives.
b) Policy evaluation- whether implementation maximizes appropriate values
Q. No. 6. Public sector innovation creates value for society either through new or improved processes or services. Discuss factors which hamper procedural innovation in public sector in Pakistan. (2017)
Q. No. 8. Write substantive notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(c) Social Policy (2017)
Q. No. 5. Public administration is an activist part of government. Systematic policy formulation and implementation becomes a standard public administration function. Discuss some of the common conditions/factors which are fatal to effective implementation of public policy in a country like Pakistan. (2018)
Q. No. 6. Explain dispute settlement process. Do you think that the major methods of redressal of public grievances in Pakistan are adequate? Argue your case. (2019)
Q. No. 4. Describe the role of government in HRM at enterprise level. Elaborate key challenges in Public sector enterprises in Pakistan and way forward. (2020)

Structure of Federal and Provincial Government
Q. No. 6. Discuss the functions and organizational structure of federal government of Pakistan including administrative relations between federal ministries and federal bodies such as commissions, authorities, boards & state-owned enterprises. (2022)
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:- (10 each)
(c) Inter-governmental Relations at Federal and Provincial level in Pakistan (2022)
Q. No. 3. There is a point of view given by some scholars that traditional bureaucratically organized public administration is broke, broken and inefficient and consequently the public has lost faith in government institutions. The image of both the federal and provincial governments is feared badly. Give your suggestions how to improve the systems, procedures, processes of government institutions in Pakistan. (2018)

Q. No. 4. Leadership is a process and not a position. It is the ability to influence a group towards the achievements of legitimate goals. Identify the three phases of the development of leadership theories. Also mention some of the common traits, qualities and skills of effective and exceptional public administrators. (2018)
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the followings:-(10 each)
(c) Differentiate between the Authoritarian and Transformational styles of leadership(2021)

Q NO 4: Today Public Administration in Pakistan seems to be in a state of prolonged and slow-moving crises, seemingly lacking coherent paradigm and conceptual framework. Discuss this statement with arguments for and against. (2016)
Q. No. 4. Describe the role of government in HRM at enterprise level. Elaborate key challenges in Public sector enterprises in Pakistan and way forward. (2020)
Q. No. 4. In spite of the numerous advantages of social audit, its arrangement has been mostly ineffective because there is no legal provision for punitive action. Comment. (2021)
Q. No. 6. Discuss “Hawthorne Effects”, undertaken by George Elton Mayo in the development of the Human Relations School of thought, and its subsequent implications for administrative behaviour. (2021)
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the followings:-(10 each)
(a) Management by Objectives(MBO) (2021)
(b) Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs(2021)
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:- (10 each)
(a) Woodrow Wilson’s contribution to Public Administration (2022)
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Good work

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