Islam is the religion of love, peace, and tranquility and Muslims are its forerunners (or practical manifestation). However, the rise of Islamophobia has deteriorated the real picture of Islam and Muslims (or has presented a negative image of Islam and Muslims). But what is meant by the term ‘Islamophobia’? why has the rise of Islamophobia reached such an extent? what are its causative factors? How is the real picture of Islam certainly different from the picture perceived by the West? and What are the possible ways to counter the rise of Islamophobia? This essay will dwell upon these questions in detail. Islamophobia is the hatred and fear of Islam in the West. The term Islamophobia dates back soon after 9/11. More than twenty years have passed since this incident but Muslims are still the target of the act done by some Muslim factions. The contributory factors in the rise of Islamophobia include the extremist approach of a few Muslim groups, clash of civilizations, and misinterpretation of Jihad by the West coupled with the mercy of Western media who put no stone unturned in portraying Muslims as terrorists(or all men with the beard and women behind the veil are terrorists). Moreover, the lack of participation/non-participation of Muslim scholars to provide counter-narrative (against/in the wake of Islamophobia) can also be included/considered in the unprecedented rise of Islamophobia. Though the rise of Islamophobia has derailed the true picture and teaching of Islam and Muslims, with the help of consensus among different actors, the use of Social media, and cultural exchange programs, the lost image of Islam and Muslims can be rebuilt.
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